Aerial Yoga

  • What is Aerial Yoga?

    At aerial yoga we will use one yoga prop: the hammock. Leaving our mats and blocks on the ground we will explore various yin and restorative poses while our hammock provides the ultimate support (it will feel like a big hug). As well as exploring poses off the ground classes will sometimes include pranayama, meditation and nidra. As such classes are suitable for all levels.

    Beginners welcome

  • When is it?

    We offer Aerial classes at the following times:

    Monday at 7:15pm with Scott

    Wednesday at 8:00pm with Emily

    Friday at 6:15pm with Emily

    Sunday at 11:15 with Scott

  • How much is it?

    It is £15 for a drop in.

    If you are an unlimited member, there is a £2 charge.

  • What do I need to bring?

    Please wear comfortable clothing. You are not allowed on the hammocks with jewellery (earrings, watches, rings etc) or wearing anything that could cause a tear in the silks.