Kali Flow: What is Kali Flow?

Kali flow is our very own, unique to the studio set sequence practice. All the Kali teachers collaborated on building a dynamic, challenging practice embodying the goddess Kali's essence. It can be an excellent guide for helping you keep a consistent practice where you see progression over time. All the classes take place in the Destroyer, with the room heated to 32 degrees. It's recommended that you have an understanding of a vinyasa style-based class as the class is fast-paced.

What are the benefits of a set sequence?

  • You can see the progression over time! This sequence includes some clear markers that have options for advancement over time.

  • You'll become more in tune with your body. As you learn to pace yourself through the sequence and know what's coming up, you'll feel into the days that your engine feels great and the days that your body may need a little more rest. From here, you can adapt the practice to your needs.

  • Sometimes it's nice to turn up for class and know how the class will unfold!

  • As you learn what's coming up next, you may find you can more easily enter a flow state that becomes more meditative.

What's included in Kali Flow?

  • Kapalabhati Pranayama (Strong breathing technique to create internal heat, increase the heart rate and prepare for practice)

  • Strong emphasis on core work

  • Sun Salutations with options for jumpbacks and Bakasana (crow pose)

  • Standing sequence with a focus on Strength

  • Standing sequence with a focus on Flexibility

  • Standing sequence with a focus on Power

  • Backbends: Dhanurasana (Bow), Ustrasna (Camel), Wild Thing and Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel)

  • Inversions: Dolphin/Pincha Mayurasana, Sirsasana(Headstand), and Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)

Kali Flow times on the schedule:

Wednesdays: 5:30-6:30pm (60min)

Sundays: 8:30-9.45am (75min)

Sundays: 2:00-3:30pm (90min)

The full set sequence is 90 minutes, and adaptations are made at the teacher's discretion for the 75-minute and 60-minute classes.

We always close the class with a mantra devoted to the goddess Kali. Our yoga home is named after the great Mother Kali. Kali is the goddess of death, destruction, rebirth, and dissolution. The devotional mantra shows respect; you can think of it as a 'bow to'.

Kali Mantra:

Om Krim Kalikaye Namaha

Om Krim Kalikaye Namaha

Om Krim Kalikaye Namaha

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Om - word of creation, holy vibration, God, Brahma, sound of all existence

Kalikaye - Kali

Namaha - bow to one with pure consciousness

Shanti - inner peace


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